A new portrait for "Barcelona, valors afegits: Clara S. Prous, illustrator / by Toni Ricart

As she still doesn't have a studio, Clara prefers to meet me at the bar around the corner for the photo shoot. I confess that it's hard for me to get into her universe, probably because of generational issues, but I'm very attracted to her work, which I discovered by chance on Instagram. We talk about techniques, materials and art props. She tells me that lately he is exhibiting quite a lot in small galleries and concept stores in the city. She sells originals and prints, and is increasingly in demand. She explains that people say she paints distorted characters, as if they were from Chernobyl. We agree that it is precisely in these distortions that the power of her work is based, which can indeed have Soviet but also American connotations.

"I was born in Barcelona in 1991, and I have only changed city once, and I came back.
I am an illustrator and post producer. I usually spend my days painting in my studio, although if I'm asked I edit a video or collaborate in fanzines and comics. If I'm asked to do some 3D modeling, then I charge for it. As I have a huge complication to express myself in some way, and my virtues do not include singing, I have dedicated my whole life to explore new artistic methods. That's why I studied illustration in 2014 at the Industrial School of Barcelona, and then I did a specialization course in post-production at the Espai School, also in Barcelona.
In 2018 I went to live in Liège, near Brussels, to work in a 3D studio, where I did architectural renderings. The job was good, but it was hard for me to live in -6 °C, to be honest.
When I came back home I decided what I wanted to do always was to paint, and this is what I actually do daily."