New portrait: Piti Español / by Toni Ricart


My good friend Piti Español is a multifaceted writer: narrator, playwright and scriptwriter of television and cinema. He has been the creator of some of the most successful television series and programs of the last 30 years, working mainly for TV3 (Catalan television).
He has published an extensive autobiographical account (LA PISTA AFRICANA), a story book (DISCULPIN LES MOLÈSTIES), two television manuals (FER RIURE PER TELEVISIÓ and COM MIRAR LA TELE SENSE PRENDRE MAL ) and the research text JOSEP ANTON PÉREZ GINER: THE TRUTHFUL HISTORY OF L'INNOMBRABLE.
He is currently a columnist for the newspaper ARA and professor at the Dramaturgy and Script Workshop of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona.