Pep Àvila, photographed photographer: One more portrait for BCN·VA project / by Toni Ricart


My friend Pep Àvila is a versatile photographer who has been working in advertising, fashion, travel and documentary photography for over 20 years. In his professional commissions, he pays special attention to the conceptualization of the particular atmospheres required for each project, achieving scenes with a distinctive magical touch. He has a special gift for directing models and supervising every stage of a production.

By pushing artificial lighting to its limits, his works often convey the sense that they lie at the boundary between reality and fiction and are imbued with a certain cinematographic mystique. 

This is perhaps unsurprising, as he is keen to explore the world of film and draws inspiration from it. Pep joins an important tradition of photographers that find a welcomed balance in film direction to their already successful stills career. His proven skills for creating atmosphere with lighting, casting, location, wardrobe and make-up, and his resourcefulness in directing actors, will also be put to use for his intrinsic need of telling stories.

He has received several awards in prestigious festivals around the world such as Cannes, Epica, Art Directors Club of Europe, SOL, LUX, Círculo Creativo, among others. And also many times Luerzer’s Archive magazine included his pictures. A keen and dedicated traveller, he has taken part in a number of humanitarian projects, collaborations with foundations to which he has donated his work in order to ensure they have quality images.